Eastern Screech Owl
Contact Information for Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitators in Northeastern Ohio
Medina Raptor Center
Phone: (330) 591-7300
Website: medinaraptorcenter.org
Location: Medina, Ohio
Types Of Animals: Owls, hawks, falcons, eagles, ospreys, turkey vultures, native songbirds, trumpeter and tundra swans, shorebirds, and herons.
Ohio Bird Sanctuary
Phone: (419) 884-4295
Website: ohiobirdsanctuary.com
Location: Mansfield, Ohio
Types Of Animals: Raptors and songbirds
ODNR Division of Wildlife
Phone: (330) 644-2293
Website: ohiodnr.gov
Location: Akron, Ohio
Types Of Animals: Mammals and mute swans
Additional Website: Orphaned and Injured Widlife
Lake Erie Nature & Science Center
Phone: (440) 871-2900 Ext 204 or
(440) 471-8357
Website: lensc.org
Location: Bay Village, Ohio
Types Of Animals: Mammals, raptors, songbirds, and waterfowl
Birds in Flight Sanctuary
Phone: (330) 652-3381
Website: birdsinflightsanctuary.com
Location: Canfield, OH
Types Of Animals: Mammals, raptors, songbirds, and waterfowl